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CHINA'S FUTURE CHINA'S FUTURE www.economist.com oldmarine
Peninsula of provocation Peninsula of provocation oldmarine
英언론이 지적한 박 당선인 과제는.. 英언론이 지적한 박 당선인 과제는.. 최진욱 기자 2013-01-05 10:36 박근혜 대통령 당선인의 정권인수 작업과 관련해 영국 경제주간지 이코노미스트는 한국의 차기대통령이 많은 과제를 안고 있다고 보도했다. 이코노미스트는 5일(현지시간) 박 당선인이 대통령직인수위 위원장에 김용준 전 헌법재판소장을 임명한 소식을 전하면서 당선인이 당면 과제 해결을 통해 부친 시대로부터 이어진 난제 해소에도 나설 것으로 보인다고 전망했다. 거대 기업집단인 재벌 개혁 정책은 박 당선인이 안은 첫 번째 과제로 꼽혔다. 주간지는 박 당선인의 대선 핵심구호가 `경제 민주화`였다며 부친이 구축한 재벌 체제에 대해 단호한 정책 노선을 예고하고 있다고 소개했다. 소속정당의 친재벌 성향에도 당선인이 재벌이 소수지분으로 경영권을 유지..
The South China Sea The South China Sea Troubled waters by Banyan | BEIJING Aug 6th 2012, 5:30 LONG a zone of contention among a number of littoral states, the South China Sea is fast becoming the focus of one of the most serious bilateral disputes between America and China. Over the weekend China’s foreign ministry summoned an American diplomat to express “strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition” to a state..
Japan's election Japan's election Shinzo Abe's sumo-sized win by H.T. | TOKYO Dec 16th 2012, 19:02 (Picture credit: AFP) A FORMER prime minister, who resigned in 2007 after a shambolic first year in office, and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which two years later was hounded out of the governing role that it had taken as its birthright, are both headed for a remarkable return to power. In the hours after mi..
Peninsula of provocation Peninsula of provocation oldmarine
The man who must change China The man who must change China Xi Jinping will soon be named as China’s next president. He must be ready to break with the past Oct 27th 2012 JUST after the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which starts in Beijing on November 8th, a short line of dark-suited men, and perhaps one woman, will step onto a red carpet in a room in the Great Hall of the People and meet the world’s..
Tensions rise between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea Tensions rise between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea Jul 7th 2012 | BEIJING JUST as South-East Asian countries were heaving a sigh of relief that China and the Philippines appeared to be drawing back from confrontation in the South China Sea, new tension has arisen between China and Vietnam in the same stretch of ocean. In recent days the two countries stepped up their sparring over ar..