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Receding Ice, Rising Oceans Receding Ice, Rising Oceans - Astrobiology Magazine Astrobiology Magazine's climate blog, The Hot Zone, recently discussed how receding glaciers could have catastrophic consequences fo... www.astrobio.net 본문으로 이동 oldmarine
Receding Ice, Rising Oceans Receding Ice, Rising Oceans Source: astrobio.net/index.php oldmarine
Early Acid Rain Early Acid Rain Geology Posted: 06/25/08 Summary: A new study of ancient minerals shows that the earliest continents on Earth may have been scoured and destroyed by the planet's harsh climate. The study has also demonstrated that the Earth may have been habitable as early as 4.3 billion years ago. Microscopic view of a zircon crystal found in Greenland and determined to be 4.4 billion years. Zir..
Venus Holds Warning for Earth Venus Holds Warning for Earth Venus Posted: 12/01/10 Summary:New information about a high-altitude layer of sulphur dioxide on Venus could be a warning against injecting Earth's atmosphere with sulphur droplets to mitigate climate change. A mysterious high-altitude layer of sulphur dioxide discovered by ESA’s Venus Express has been explained. As well as telling us more about Venus, it could be a..
Venus Holds Warning for Earth Venus Holds Warning for Earth Venus Posted: 12/01/10 Summary:New information about a high-altitude layer of sulphur dioxide on Venus could be a warning against injecting Earth's atmosphere with sulphur droplets to mitigate climate change. A mysterious high-altitude layer of sulphur dioxide discovered by ESA’s Venus Express has been explained. As well as telling us more about Venus, it could be a..